e-ISSN: 2455-6491 | Published by Global Advanced Research Publication House (GARPH)
International Journal of Advanced Innovative Technology in Engineering(IJAITE)Send paper at ijaite.editor@gmail.com![]() International Journal of Advanced Innovative Technology in Engineering (IJAITE) is an online journal in English published in Bimontly for Academicians, Scientist, Engineers, and Research scholars involved true research in Computer Science & Engineering,Information Technology, Machanical Engineering, Elctronics and Tele-Communication, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering,Automobile Engineering to publish high quality and refereed papers. paper reporting original research and innovative application from all parts of the world are invited. Papers for publication in the IJAITE are selected through peer review to ensure originality, relevance and readability. The aim of IJAITE is to publish peer reviewed research and review articles in the rapidly developing all the feild of Engineering. The core vision of IJAITE is to publish new knowledge and technology from and for the benefits of every one ranging from the academic and professional research communities to industry practioners in a range of topics in Engineering. It also provide a venue for high caliber research scholers, PhD students, Professionals to submit on-going research and developments in these areas.
IJAITE invites authors to submits their original and unpublished works that communicates current research on information assurance and security regarding both the therotical and methodological aspects, as well as various applications in solving real world information security problems.
The aim of IJAITE is to publish peer reviewed research and review article in rapidly developing all the feild of Engineering. The journal also seeks clearly written survey and review article from experts in the feild, to promote insightful understanding of the state of the art and application trends. IJAITE aims to cover the latest outstanding developments in the feild of Engineering and Technology. Electronics and Communication Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Structural Engineering, Thermal Engineering, Computer Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Civil Engineering, Construction Technology, Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Materials & Manufacturing Engineering, Computer Sciences, Image Processing, Nanotechnology, Process Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Instrumentation Engineering, Communication Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering etc.