
e-ISSN: 2455-6491 | Published by Global Advanced Research Publication House (GARPH)

Archives of International Journal of Advanced Innovative Technology in Engineering(IJAITE)

Volume 6 Issue 3 May 2021

1. Study of Various Nano Fluids: Coolants Technology

AUTHOR NAME : Syed Bilaluddin Syed Jalaluddin, Prof. V. G. Gore, Dr. P. R. Wadnerkar

ABSTRACT : Today, the demand of automobile vehicles is on peak. So, it is a great challenge for automotive industries to provide an efficient and economical engine. The performance of an engine affects by various systems like fuel supply system, lubrication system, transmission system, cooling system etc. So, it becomes essential to account them while designing an engine for improves the engines performance. Cooling system is one of the important systems amongst all. It is responsible to carry large amount of heat waste to surroundings for efficient working of an engine. It also enhances heat transfer and fuel economy which leads to maximize the performance of an engine. Most internal combustion engines are fluid cooled using either air or a liquid coolant run through a heat exchanger (radiator) cooled by air. The heat transfer through radiator can be improved by maximizing the heat transfer area and increasing the heat transfer coefficient. The heat transfer coefficient can be increased either by using more efficient heat transfer methods or by improving the thermo physical properties of the heat transfer material i.e. coolant. Earlier, Water was widely used in radiator as a coolant for its good ability to holding heat, transfer heat and can be readily obtained. Also the mixture of water & ethylene glycol later introduced as a coolant. Both of them having certain merits & demerits. With the advancement of nanotechnology, the new generation of heat transfer fluids called, “Nanofluids” have been developed and researchers found that these fluids offer higher thermal conductivity compared to that of conventional coolants. Nanofluids which consist of a carrier liquid, such as water, ethylene glycol dispersed with tiny nano-scale particles known as nanoparticles. This comprehensive study on cooling system importance, coolant used in automobiles and its limitations and applications and challenges of Nanofluids as a coolant have been compiled and reviewed for automobile radiator.


2. Analysis of a Structure with Floating Columns and Shear Walls

AUTHOR NAME : Saloni Korate, Dr. Valsson Varghese

ABSTRACT : This paper presents comparative study of floating column model and non-floating column model considering the effect of seismic forces. This work includes the comparison between the floating column and non-floating column structure at different heights by using software ETABS. Now a day, we have a host of construction techniques at our disposal like Steel structures, R.C.C. structures, Core and hull type of structure (combination of steel & R.C.C construction). In modern constructions load transfer path has a great importance just in case of structural stability in very major earthquakes. There are numerous observations of damages caused by soft story, vertical or plan irregularity, floating column in buildings, such a vertical irregularity is predominant to structure while earthquake excitation. The earthquake forces developed at different floor levels in building need to be brought down along the peak to the rock bottom by the shortest path, any deviation or discontinuity like a floating column leads to poor performance of building. Shear wall systems are one among of the feasible structure and hence commonly used lateral loads resisting mechanism employed in high rise buildings. They have high plane stiffness and strength which can be utilized to simultaneously resist large horizontal loads and support gravity loads. Incorporation of shear walls has now become inevitable in multi-storey buildings so on to resist the lateral forces like seismic loads and wind loads. The aim of this work is to match the response of RC frame buildings with and without floating columns under earthquake loading and wind force. The effect of earthquake and wind forces on various building models for various parameters is proposed to be carried out with the help of response spectrum analysis. The idea is to reach a definite conclusion regarding the superiority of the different structures over one another.


3. Study of Improved Dual Blade Wind Turbine

AUTHOR NAME : Piyush S. Gulghane, Rahi J. Saoji, Gaurav B. Salve, Rajeshvi A. Motghare, Rutuja N. Barai, Divesh C. Hingnekar, Prof. V. R. Doifode

ABSTRACT : A dual blade wind turbine having two rotors rotating in same or in opposite direction the same axis has been proposed as a new concept to enhance the maximum power coefficient of a wind turbine. It is predicted that the turbine operates in isolation, numerical analyses are carried out for two atmospheric stability conditions: (1) neutral, and (2) stable. Comparisons are made with the corresponding analyses of a comparable conventional single-blade wind turbine (SBWT) to assess changes in: (a) aerodynamic efficiency, and (b) dynamic loads on the turbines. From results we can conclude that the DBWT improves isolated turbine performance even when atmospheric boundary layer effects are considered. DBWT enhances wake mixing when background turbulence due to the atmospheric boundary layer is moderately high. This has implications on wind plant performance when multiple turbines are placed one behind the other. No significant increase in aerodynamic loads is observed in the DBWT design. In fact; the out-of-plane blade root moment of the main rotor is reduced in the DBWT. Spectral analyses show peaks in unsteady loads at the rotor blade passing frequency and its harmonics for both the primary and secondary rotors. Loads at other (combination) frequencies are observed in the secondary rotor.


4. A Review on Mechanism of Fluid Flow and Transfer of Heat in Closed Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe

AUTHOR NAME : Ku. Vaishnavi S. Sonar, Prof. V. G. Gore, Dr. P. R. Wadnerkar

ABSTRACT : Now-a-days the researchers and people are moving towards such an innovation which meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In such innovations pulsating heat pipe is one of the technologies which started in 1990 by Akachi. Pulsating heat pipe is a heat transfer device which has an effective heat transfer capability. The researchers had done many experimental and theoretical investigations, but they haven’t got the complete knowledge about it because of its complex operational mechanism which consists of hydrodynamic and thermodynamic coupling effect. This paper gives a brief idea on the thermo-hydro dynamic characteristics of this device. The brief idea will be on internal diameter, cross-section of the tube and the amount of working fluid in system. In addition to all these the number of turns in device and thermo-physical properties of working fluid which leads to determine the thermal behavior. The motto of this paper is to make review paper on recent past years on papers which used refrigerants as working fluids and its fluid flow mechanism and finally lead upcoming researchers to have basic idea and future scope of device.


5. Comparative Study of Staircase at Different Location in Plan and Height of Building Considering Sesmic And Wind Effect

AUTHOR NAME : Parag Ashok Mandakmare, Prof. Hemant B Dahake

ABSTRACT : Staircases and elevator are one of the strongest transition elements in building they are designed to connect two spaces, whether it is interior to exterior or different interior levels. In many Multi-storey buildings staircase and elevator core wall are located at different positions as per the advantages of structure plan and user. It plays a vital role and changing the position of the stair case and core wall leads torsional irregularity in the plan regular building. Due to the change in position, torsion in a building occurs because of eccentricity in the mass and stiffness distributions and change the dynamic characteristic of regular plan building. Due to complex modeling of staircase, it is designed separately for non-seismic and seismic forces. But during earthquake as we construct the structure with staircase monolithically, staircase also contribute its performance to the building, due to this structural discontinuity, performance of buildings may result in non-linear behavior. In this paper, an attempt is made to understand the seismic behaviour of RC buildings with and without effect of staircase with changing position. Total Six models of G+5 storey and six models of G+11 storey RC buildings with different positions of staircase are considered. The modelling and analysis is done using ETABS 18 using seismic analysis and wind analysis and results of storey displacements, storey drift, time period, column and beam forces are discussed. From the results, it can be observed that building model with center position of staircase and shear wall performs better than other building model.


6. Review on Effect of Different Twisted Linear Tape with Uniform Alternate Length on Heat Transfer Performance in Double Pipe Heat Exchanger

AUTHOR NAME : Vijaya Dabhade, Prof. P. B. Ingle

ABSTRACT : Heat transfer augmentation techniques refer to increase the rate of heat transfer by using the different methods without affecting the overall performance of the system. Mainly these Heat transfer augmentation techniques are used in heat exchangers. The applications of the heat exchanger are in Thermal Power Plant, Process Industries, Refrigerators, Air Conditioning Equipment, Automobiles, and Radars for Space Vehicles, etc. In the last decade, several studies on the passive techniques of heat transfer enhancement have been successfully done by researchers. The present paper review mainly focuses on heat transfer enhancement Using twisted linear tape and modification of twisted tape towards the enhancement of heat transfer.


7. Comparison of Self Compacted Concrete with Steel Fiber & Polypropylene Fiber

AUTHOR NAME : Madhura M. Pawade, Hemant B. Dahake

ABSTRACT : Self-compacting concrete is categorized as high-performance concrete that has excellent deformability in the fresh state & high resistance to segregation and can be placed and compacted under its self-weight without applying vibration. The use of self-compacting concrete eliminates the need for compaction, which has benefits related to economic production, durability, structural performance, and working circumstances self-compacting concrete is able to transport fibers that can replace in some structure’s conventional reinforcement. By taking into account tailor-made concrete characteristics, new fields of structural application can be explored. The potential for improved performance of fibers in self-compacting concrete. In flexural tests, significant differences were observed between conventional and self-compacting concrete at a given fiber type and dosage concerning the variation of results and the flexural performance. Mechanical testing and image studies on concrete cross-sections indicate how the flow influences the performance, the orientation, and the distribution of the orientation of fibers. The comparison between polypropylene fiber concrete and steel fiber concrete is pointed out.


8. Study on Solar Dryers for drying Agricultural Products

AUTHOR NAME : Amar Tolmare, Prof. P. B. Ingle

ABSTRACT : Drying is the process of removing liquid from a solid material by evaporation. In drying technique, the concept of environment is of importance as it refers to the properties of air-vapor mixture that controls the rate of drying. The temperature and pace at which the liquid vaporises depends on the vapour concentration in the surrounding atmosphere when a suitable amount of heat is available for drying. Solar drying refers to techniques for drying that make use of the sun s energy. A sun dryer is a sealed container that protects food from damage, birds, insects, and unexpected rain. Solar dryers are divided into two categories: active and passive. Forced convection dryers are active, while natural convection dryers are passive. Active dryers are more expensive than passive dryers. Solar dryers must be made more efficient and less expensive. We evaluated the numerous studies on passive solar dryers for drying agricultural products in this paper.


9. Comparative Study on Elevated RCC Water Tank with Different Shapes in Zone V

AUTHOR NAME : Seema Meshram, Dr. S.G. Makarande, R.K. Kakpure

ABSTRACT : In very severe earthquake resigns, the Elevated storage reservoirs (ESR’s) are one of the most important lifeline structures. In major urban and rural areas, they form an integral part of the water supply scheme from supplying water for drinking, household use, industrial use, firefighting, etc. The ESR’s must functional even after the earthquakes, as water is required for our daily usage. The main objective of this project is, to compare the Static and Dynamic analysis for different shapes of Elevated storage reservoirs. This project studies the effect of the static and dynamic earthquake response on the behavior of ESR’s. This project also studies the effect of hydrodynamic pressure i.e., Impulsive and Convective pressure on ESR’s in both static and dynamic earthquake responses with different shapes. For detailed study and analysis purposes, two different shapes i.e., square and circular are considered with the same storage capacity, same height, with same staging system, with same Importance factor & Response reduction factor, in the same earthquake Zone. For this study, a very severe earthquake zone (Zone - V) is considered. The analytical findings are plotted in form of comparative graphs and tables to understand the severity of ESR’s with different shapes. After comparing the results, a considerable difference is found in axial forces in columns, a bending moment in column & beams, displacement of staging & horizontal bending moments in tank walls. Which will further help in understanding the design philosophy for the safe and economical design of elevated storage reservoirs. Thus, the design of the tank can be more economical, reliable and simple.


10. Stock Market Prediction Using Machine Learning Approach: A Review

AUTHOR NAME : Abhishek Rajput, Prof. Mahip Bartere

ABSTRACT : Now a day’s, the prediction of stock market prices and conditions has become a major researched topic amongst data scientists, investment bankers, and stockbrokers. As the stock market behavior is very non-linear and volatile in nature, it makes a very high-risk investment. Consequently, a lot of researchers have contributed their efforts to forecast the stock market pricing and average movement. Researchers have used various computer science and economics methods in their quests to gain a piece of this volatile information and make a great fortune out of the stock market investment. Data mining and machine learning approaches can incorporate into Business Intelligence (BI) systems to help users for decision support in many real-life applications. This paper presents a brief survey of the application of machine learning in stock market prediction and investigates various techniques for the stock market prediction using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). ANN is a non-linear and non-parametric classifier that is viable for forecasting stock prices. SVM focuses on marginal values rather than average values for the classification prediction model. This paper aims to provide a review of the application of machine learning in stock market prediction to determine what can be done in the future


11. Experimental Investigation and CFD Analysis of Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Nanofluid

AUTHOR NAME : Dr. P. R. Wadnerkar, Syed Bilaluddin Syed Jalaluddin, Prof. V. G. Gore

ABSTRACT : Heat Transfer Enhancement or intensification is one of the most important technical challenges faced by numerous industries like manufacturing, automobiles, etc. It is one of the key factors in heat exchangers design while working to design compact devices. The requirement of compact heat exchangers like shell and tube heat exchanger is very concern where the heat transfer area is low. The conventional methods of cooling like fins and microchannels have already extended to their limits. As the traditional fluids of heat transfer such as water, oil, and ethylene glycol are innately poor heat transfer fluids, the new technique of dispersing the nanoparticles in the base fluid called nanofluids has emerged in enhancing the heat transfer rate. This research work presents the analytical investigations are carried on the heat exchanger using forced convective heat transfer. Two different types of nanoparticles TiC and MgO individually at different volume concentrations of 0.1%, 0.3%, 0.5% using water as base fluid is used. The fluid flow is considered to be turbulent. Experimental results and CFD analysis are performed on the shell and tube heat exchanger by applying the properties of the above nanofluid concentrations to obtain the heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer rate. For this, a 3D model of the heat exchanger is done in CREO 3.0 and imported to the ANSYS(FLUENT). Theoretical calculations were carried to obtain the properties for nanofluids which are used as inputs for analysis.


12. Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques

AUTHOR NAME : Amit Kale, Prof. Mahip Bartere

ABSTRACT : Heart disease is the most common cause of death in underdeveloped, developing, and even the developed countries, lacs of people die every year due to this. Early detection and accurate prediction of this disease may certainly reduce the mortality rate. For the detection and prediction of cardiovascular diseases efficiently, there is a need for health history and causes which lead to heart diseases. Machine Learning plays a vital role in predicting and maintaining essential data about heart disease using its various machine learning techniques and Hybrid models. In the present study, the review of various research works carried out with respect to the application of machine learning in the prediction of heart diseases on the basis of datasets is presented. Present research work will assist the medical practitioners in predicting the heart threats well in time so as to take the measures to control the mishap.


13. CFD Analysis of Heat Transfer Using Twisted Tape with Uniform Alternate Length in Double Pipe U-Bend Heat Exchanger

AUTHOR NAME : Vijaya Dabhade, Prof. P. B. Ingle

ABSTRACT : The heat exchanger is a device that uses continuously transfers the heat from one medium to another medium. This research mainly deals with the use of linear twisted tape turbulator in U-bend pipe heat exchangers. This heat exchanger widely used in the pasteurization process, digester heating, heat recovery, pre-heating. In the present study, the four types of twisted tape are used, typical twisted tape, perforated twisted tape, half-length twisted taped in copper tube. The perforated twisted tape decreases the pressure drop but the heat transfer same as the typical twisted tape .and the linear twisted tape creates turbulence at the wall surface of the inner pipe. In this research, the combination of two twisted tapes perforated twisted tape and linear twisted tape modification will be use and analysis of heat transfer and pressure drop.


14. Experimental Study on Thermal Performance of a Closed Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe

AUTHOR NAME : Dr. P. R. Wadnerkar, Ku. Vaishnavi S. Sonar, Prof. Vijay G. Gore

ABSTRACT : Pulsating heat pipes (PHP) have created a newer arena and promising possibilities as passive devices for heat transfer applications, especially suited for thermal management of electronics. A closed-loop pulsating heat pipe (CLPHP) made of copper with 2.5 mm ID and 3 mm OD with fin in the condenser section is used in the present work to evaluate the heat transfer performances where the evaporation section is 50 mm, the adiabatic section is 120 mm and condensation section is 80 mm. The attempt is to study on an experimental basis the heat transfer performances of CLPHP for two working fluid conditions. Acetone and Ethanol are used as working fluids with 60% filling ratio to 100% filling ratio in CLPHP with 3 loops during the experiment. The experimental results indicate a strong influence of gravity and thermophysical properties of the working fluid on the performance of the CLPHP studied with different orientations and heat loads. The results demonstrate the effect of heat by operated working fluid used in the condenser section, the input heat flux, and physiochemical properties of the working fluid on the thermal performance of the device. The CLPHP at 0o inclination exhibit the considerable enhancement of heat transfer in the condition of acetone as working fluid compared with that of ethanol as working fluid inside the CLPHP. The results indicate that the performance of CLPHP changes with different fill ratio and heat loads. Better heat transfer performance was obtained from Acetone rather than ethanol for same heat load parameters during experimentation.


15. Fake News Detection Based on Machine Learning Approach

AUTHOR NAME : Aishwarya M. Dhole, Dr. Neeraj Sahu

ABSTRACT : Internet is one of the important inventions and a large number of persons are its users. These persons use this for different purposes. There are different social media platforms that are accessible to these users. Any user can make a post or spread the news through these online platforms. These platforms do not verify the users or their posts. So, some of the users try to spread fake news through these platforms. This fake news can be propaganda against an individual, society, organization, or political party. A human being is unable to detect all this fake news. So, there is a need for machine learning classifiers that can detect this fake news automatically. The use of machine learning classifiers for detecting fake news is described in this systematic literature review.


16. Advanced Text Summarizer for Code-Mixed Language

AUTHOR NAME : Aditya Tajne, Vrushabh Markande, Vaibhav Gadge, Akash Bhagat, Mrs. Mayuri Kumbhare

ABSTRACT : Automatic text summarization is that the method of shortening a text document with software that makes a summary with the most points of the primary document. Technologies that will make a coherent summary take into consideration variables like length, literary genre, and syntax. Code-mixing is that the mixing of two or more languages or language varieties in speech. The goal of text summarization is to present the foremost important information during a shorter version of the first text while keeping its main content and helps the user to quickly understand large volumes of data. Text summarization addresses both the matter of choosing the foremost important sections of text and, therefore, generating coherent summaries. This interaction is altogether not quite the same as that of human-based content outline since people can catch and relate profound implications and subjects of text records while computerization of such expertise is extremely difficult to implement. Since Luhns work, automatic text summarization researchers try to unravel or a minimum of relieving that problem by proposing techniques for generating summaries. The summaries function as a fast guide to interesting information, providing a brief form for every document within the document set; Reading summary chooses reading the entire document or not, it also is a time saver. variety of researchers have proposed techniques for automatic text summarization which may be classified into two categories: extraction and abstraction.


17. E-Commerce Website for KB-Plastotect Company”

AUTHOR NAME : Tushar Rathod, Sarthak Gosatwar, Abhishek Pakhidde, Kunal Wate, Prof. Pritam Gohatre

ABSTRACT : E-commerce could be a large use within modern business. E-commerce means electronic commerce. E-commerce includes buying and selling of products and services, or the transmitting of funds or data, over a system, predominantly the net. Rather e-commerce is simple just different to spice up the prevailing business practices. It’s leading to a whole change in the traditional way of doing business. This significant change in business model is witnessing amazing growth around the globe and India isnt an exception. Large internet penetration has added to the growth of E-commerce and more particularly start-ups are increasingly using this selection as a differentiating business model. More E-Commerce has significant influences on the environment. Although the model is very employed in the current business scenario the choice has not been explored at its fullest


18. Light Weight Concrete with Artificial Aggregate Manufactured from Plastic Waste

AUTHOR NAME : Irfan Ansari, Anas Ansari, Qaseem Ansari, Abdul Jabir, Ahefaz Khan, Fardeen Sheikh, Rajat Mishra, Prof. S. R. Nagoshe

ABSTRACT : The concrete industry needs millions of tons of aggregate, comprising natural sands and gravels, each year. In recent years there has been an increasing trend towards use of recycled aggregate to save natural resources and to produce lightweight concrete. In this investigation, an attempt was undertaken to produce recycled plastic aggregate (RPA) using waste plastic and red sand as a filler. The physical properties of RPA are reported and an experimental investigation of concrete incorporating RPA as coarse aggregates is presented. It was observed that 100% replacement of conventional lightweight aggregate (LWA) with recycled plastic aggregate (RPA) showed about a 13% reduction in chloride penetration. Compressive strength was reduced; however, the waste plastic used for experiments is of LDPE (Low-density poly Ethylene), 5-7 mm size and specific gravity of waste plastic are found to be 0.92, and the compressive of test concrete is compared with plane concrete and it is found that the compressive strength up to 80% is achieved for a mix of waste plastic up to 30% (as a replacement for coarse aggregate) in concrete. Hence is recommended for lightweight concrete structure, non-structural elements such as low side building, cementitious backfill, pavements, and others.


19. Construction Waste Material Management in Road Construction Industry: Causes, Effects and Case Study

AUTHOR NAME : Pradeep H. Patil, Naresh S. Tapase, Mohit N. Chandak, Ankit J. Lohit, Tushar S. Walde, Vaibhav A. Kshirsagar, Gaurav Asole, Prof. Tushar Parate

ABSTRACT : The construction industry is the second largest industry in India after agriculture. The Construction industry generates employment and contributes 11% to the Gross Domestic Product of India. Out of this 11%, the major chunk i.e., 9 percent is contributed by the Road Construction Industry. Material waste from the construction industry has been identified as a major problem in recent times. Studies from different construction sites in different countries have shown that even the materials required in small quantities end in the waste in large quantities. Materials are very important for the construction industry at the construction site but all the materials that are delivered are not used completely, creating piles of unused materials which create waste. This waste has a large effect on the environment and hampers the profitability of the contractors. Construction material waste is difficult to recycle and creates problems for disposal. With some changes in the practices of the construction industry, there might be some reduction in the waste and cut down the environmental effects of the waste. In the Indian construction industry currently, the management of materials is done manually which is not very accurate, time-consuming, and unsatisfactory. With the scarcity of construction materials and the increasing cost of construction materials, there is a need for the efficient use of construction materials.


20. Clarification of Water Using Natural Coagulants of Plant Origin

AUTHOR NAME : Dipak Waghamare, Afroj Ansari, Suraj Patil, Palash Dhone, Kajal Dable, Achal Jambhure, Swati Digraskar, Prof. S. R. Nagoshe

ABSTRACT : This paper aims to reduce the level of turbidity and thereby indirectly microbial contaminants from water using locally available natural coagulants this makes the water treatment process easier safe and environmental Friendly for household applications. Chickpea seeds were the next most effective natural coagulants as a Turbidity reduction efficiency of 97.25% observed. Then comes drums seeds, velvet bean seeds, and tamarind Seeds respectively in the order of effectiveness as far as turbidity reduction is considered.


21. Study On Performance of Recron 3S Fiber with Lime and Microsilica in Expansive Soil Stabilization

AUTHOR NAME : Sayali S. Nimkar, Vaishnavi A. Komalwar, Sarang N. Mangalgiri, Devashish S. Godse, Saurabh P. Thakare, Akshay D. Kshirsagar, Prof. Vijay B. Shrirame, Prof. Akash A. Ingale

ABSTRACT : The black cotton soils undergo excessive volume changes, making their use in the construction of civil engineering projects very difficult. The properties of the black cotton soils can be altered in many ways viz. mechanical, thermal, and chemical means. Therefore, soil stabilization techniques are necessary to ensure the good stability of soil so that it can successfully sustain the load of the superstructure especially in the case of soil that is highly active; also, it saves a lot of time. In the present work, an attempt has been made to study the compaction and CBR characteristics tests of black cotton soil mixing with different percentages of lime, Micro silica, and Recron-3s Fiber with a view to determine the optimum percentage. Test results show that stabilizing Expansive soils with lime, Micro silica, and imparting Recron-3s fibers enhance the strength.


22. Retrofitting of Concrete Structure an Overview with A Case Study

AUTHOR NAME : Miss Diksha v. Gulhane, Miss Pratiksha s. Koparkar, Miss Swati G. Ombase, Miss Jyoti J. Ombase, Miss Rumina R. Dange, Miss Pallavi P. Gulhane, Mr. Santosh R. Hagawne, Prof. Tushar W. Parate

ABSTRACT : Buildings constructed with non-seismic details are at risk of damage and collapse concrete (RC) moment-resisting frames, seismic retrofitting methods that can enhance strength or ductility should be applied. However, such strategies have many disadvantages related to constructability, serviceability, securing integrity, and cost. In this paper, a welded concrete-filled steel tube (WCFST) system was examined in order to resolve the problems of the existing seismic retrofitting methods for RC moment-resisting frames. To evaluate the seismic performance of the proposed system, two specimens, one with non-seismic details and another reinforced with a WCFST seismic system, were manufactured for the cyclic loading tests. As a result of the experiments, the specimen retrofitted with the WCFST system showed maximum load, effective stiffness, and energy dissipation capacity values approximately 3, 2, and 2.5 times greater, respectively, than those obtained from the existing reinforced concrete frame specimen. The experimental results indicate that the proposed WCFST system is expected to be effective at improving the seismic performance by enhancing both the strength of the existing reinforced concrete frame structures and the dissipation of the seismic energy.


23. Utilization of Fly Ash in Normal Concrete

AUTHOR NAME : Raksha M. Mude, Juli R. Bangade, Mayuri K. Jirapure, Bhagyashri G. Choudhari, Suraj G. Gawande, Nitin P. Katre, Kamlesh H. Rahangdale, Prof. Sagar Kitey

ABSTRACT : Owing to the growing demand for power and increasing industrialization huge quantity of fly ash produced every year. It is expected that very soon production of fly ash in India will reach 400 MT per annum. Presently in Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) fly ash is a significant constituent however much scope is still available for utilization of fly ash. The present study was intended to explore the possibility of utilization of fly ash in concrete using Portland pozzolana cement (PPC). Portland pozzolana cement was replaced by fly ash in the range of 30 to 60% at an interval of 10% with 10% (by weight of cement) additional lime content. M25 (at 0.45 water/cement ratio) concrete specimens at different replacement levels of PPC were cast and tested for workability at the fresh stage and for compressive strength after 7- and 28-days curing. The result showed that PPC can be replaced up to 30% by fly ash without considerable change in compressive strength.


24. Used of Waste Tyres in Road Construction

AUTHOR NAME : Ajay V. Marotkar, Swapnil V. Meshram, Sagar I. Meshram, Laxmi B. Kumavat, Sangita B. Kumavat, Dipali E. Wandile, Prof. Sagar kitey

ABSTRACT : The growth rate of vehicles is the backbone of the economic development of any country. India is the second fast-growing automobile industry in the world. In today’s era, solid waste management is the thrust area. On the other side, the traffic intensity is also increasing. As a result, the amount of waste tyres is also increasing. The increasing consumption of waste tires has generated many problems such as increasing landfill space, environmental pollution, and causing health hazards. Parallel to this is the increase in road construction as a result of heavy traffic on roads. This study reviews the use of crumb rubber (waste tires in powder form) in bitumen using the wet process. The study focuses on the crumb rubber as a replacement for the total weight of bitumen. The design or life span for all highways and urban roads is 10 – 20 years. Unfortunately, damages or distresses on pavements are still occurring before reaching the maximum period of the designed road serviceability. Among the major influencing factor that is contributing to this distress is the repeated heavy traffic loading on the road surfaces. Moreover, the use of waste crumb rubber in road construction as a pavement surface has a better skid resistance, fatigue crack resistance, and increased rut resistance. The review includes physical tests that are used to determine the physical properties of bitumen and modified crumb rubber mix. The physical tests involve penetration tests, softening point tests, and ductility tests. The expectations from the study are to develop bitumen with waste crumb rubber that would minimize the costs of bitumen and providing better physical properties compared to the convention bitumen based on the tests that was conducted.


25. Design and Development of Color and Size Sorting Machine for Spherical Object

AUTHOR NAME : Ankur Patil, Dr. Y. P. Deshmukh

ABSTRACT : Sorting is the products in the industry is a very difficult task and continuous manual sorting creates issues. It is very desirable to create a machine that identifies the objects and relocates them if the object meets certain criteria. This paper presents a solution to sort the colored spherical objects. Initially, the colored skittles which are held in the charger drop into the platform attached to the top servo motor. Then the servo motor rotates and brings the skittle to the color sensor which detects its color. After that the bottom servo motor rotates to a particular position and then the top servo motor rotates again till the skittle drop into the guide rail.


26. Performance Evaluation of Single Slope Solar Still

AUTHOR NAME : Vaibhav V. Karsade, Prof. K. M. Watt, Prof. S. J. Deshmukh

ABSTRACT : In many parts of the world, fresh water is unavailable to people. The worldwide rapid growth in the industry has greatly increased the demand for freshwater. Early advancements in providing such solutions have come up with desalination plants to convert seawater into drinking water through a distillation system. However, the operational and maintenance costs are high and energy-demanding which is a practical option only in rich countries. Solar distillation is an expanding alternative to desalination that is distilling water using solar energy. Solar distillation is environmentally safe and uses solar radiation to evaporate saline water into potable water. This project aims to develop a solar desalination device that will produce fresh water using direct solar energy and to enhance the production of fresh water trough solar distillation by using external energy concentrator using lens under local condition. The solar still was operated in two modes of operation; basic solar still alone and basic solar still with external energy concentrator using lens. The experiment was taken in the month of July start on 9am to 5pm. The condensing tank efficiency increased 4% by using the enhancement of external concentration collector.


27. Study on Utilization of Floral Waste from Temples

AUTHOR NAME : Umesh S. Sontakke, Rushikesh P. Wakil, Nikita J. Nakhale, Prasanna P. Kadu, 5Shubham D. Gawali, Smit C. Gawande, Gayatri S. Lakhe, Prof. Rahul D. Ghode

ABSTRACT : India is a religious country, People worship God daily visit temple, offer flower to God, after some time or one day the flower become unused, as we all know the flower is the sensitive part of our society so we have to dispose of it carefully. The Asian Jal-Pravah method is used for the disposal of floral waste. The effective utilization & disposal of floral waste is absent at many Temples. In this paper, we study the utilization & disposal of floral waste from temples in India. In this project, we study the utilization & Disposal of unused flowers & disposal of inorganic matter from temples in India by a more effective method than the existing method. Finding the alternative to the "Asian Jal-Pravah" method & implement the "green temple" & "zero waste management" concepts in the temple.


28. Comparative Study of Natural Fiber Reinforced Concrete

AUTHOR NAME : Prajwal S. Dudhbale, Chetan A. Botfole, Ganesh S. Paldiwal, Ashutosh M. Bhoyar, Nikhil H. Wakde, Tejashree N. Khandalkar, Nikita P. Dafale, 8Gaurav P. Durutkar, Prof. Minal S. Kitey

ABSTRACT : This work aims to study the behavior of natural fibers mixed in concrete as a reinforcing material for improving the mechanical properties of concrete. Several studies were conducted on natural fibers, and their reference papers were studied for comparative study in this research. The varying percentage of natural fibers (Jute, Bamboo, Coconut) was taken e.g., 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5%. Natural fiber reinforced concrete is tested for their compressive, flexural, and split tensile strengths respectively for different curing periods such as 7 and 28 days. It is observed that the NFRC specimens with 1% natural fiber content, cured up to 28 days have a significant improvement of mechanical properties w.r.t conventional concrete.


29. Case Study of Manufacturing Concrete Pipe

AUTHOR NAME : Shradha Dewarkar, Punam Gujarkar, Gaurav Gothe, Deepak Joshi, Swapnil Kamble, Shrutika Poinkar, Aditya Malasane, Prof. Nisha Thakur

ABSTRACT : Concrete pipes represent the backbone of the municipal storm and wastewater collection systems of Ontario, Canada. Industry and academia partnered on a research effort that aimed at developing new precast-concrete pipe products that provide added value to the final user in comparison with existing products. This paper describes a full-scale experimental evaluation of the design, manufacturing, and performance aspects of a "cellular" concrete pipe, a precast concrete pipe in which multiple continuous conduits were incorporated within its wall. Two fully instrumented prototype segments of the proposed cellular concrete pipe were manufactured using standard dry-cast manufacturing procedures. The pipe segments were subjected to a D-load test to evaluate their structural performance.


30. Identification and Minimization of Waste in Building Construction

AUTHOR NAME : Nikhil Sherje, Yash Patil, Sarvesh Bamnote, Purvesh Machhirke, Ankit Shinde, Pratiksha Salwe, Samiksha Shinde, Prof. Minal S. Kitey

ABSTRACT : Material waste has been identified as a major problem in the construction industry. Studies from various sites confirmed that even the materials that are least wasted like glass, electrical fixtures, paints, etc. represent a relatively certain percentage of construction cost. These materials also have an adverse effect on the environment. Materials are very important on building sites, and all the materials that are delivered are not used for the purposes which they had been ordered and disappearance of these materials constitutes a part of the waste and it has a negative effect on the environment and also affects the contractor’s profitability. The study highlights the importance of waste management in construction, the amount of waste generated in construction projects, methods of minimizing waste, and the best methods involved in construction industries to minimize waste.


31. Partial Cement Replacement by GGBFS (Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag)

AUTHOR NAME : Chetan S. Khapne, Aniket S. Jadhao, Pratik G. Shirbhate, Shubham Lahare, Pallavi S. Bhagat, Sanjivani R. Ingale, Pawan H. Kakpure, Prof. Nisha Thakur

ABSTRACT : Concrete is the most widely used building material nowadays. Its properties greatly depend on the proportions and properties of its constituent. Concrete is used in various types of construction from the flooring of the hut to a multi-storied high-rise structure. It is one of the versatile heterogeneous materials of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water.


32. Study of Association Rule Mining Techniques

AUTHOR NAME : Bushra Sheikh, Prof Amita Suke, Prof khemutai Tighare

ABSTRACT : Datamining, and urging requirement in the current era and whose scope of research is expected to be for upcoming decades. Among the well-versed techniques of data mining association, rule mining plays a prodigious role. This technique emphasizes the curious association, correlations, frequent patterns, etc. from the given data sources to be mined. The primary task of association mining resides in uncovering the frequent patterns and exploring the association rules. Multiple variations of association rule mining algorithms with regard to their performance factors are available. One important constraint entailing the extraction of association rules is, privacy-preserving of sensitive data. There is a need to maintain a sustainable ratio between the protection of privacy and knowledge discovery. This paper enlightens and reviews the various association mining techniques with respect to their privacy-preserving capabilities and also adds a pinch on the tools preferred for such privacy.


33. Study on Hydraulic Traffic Reduce System (TRS)

AUTHOR NAME : Faizan Y. Sheikh, Sagar U. Bawane, Sachin G. Nakade, Shubham S. Zore, Ravi D. Gupta, Mayur B. Kohad, Yogesh J. Katkar, Kanhaiya S. Aggrawal, Prof. Rahul D. Ghode

ABSTRACT : Traffic is the common issue face by the world due to which lots of losses are faced by people every now then. Due to the tremendous increasing the population number, the need for vehicles also increased, giving rise to an increased accident rate. The present study is a combined effort to find a solution for the reduction of traffic on roads by using a hydraulic jack mechanism. By placing the hydraulic jack below the footpath of the road, the footpath will reduce to the road level when accidents or traffic occur. So, the traffic will pass easily from footpath and traffic problem will get minimize.


34. Solid Waste Management for Wardha City

AUTHOR NAME : Tejaswini G. Hiwanj, Tushar P. Waghmare, Pragati R. Chachane, Pranoti K. Wadalkar, Suraj P. Zade, 6Nikita R. Kamdi, Vaishali B. Nagdeote, Rudra R. Pawade, Prof. Akash A. Ingale

ABSTRACT : Municipal solid waste management (MSWM) is one of the major environmental problems of Indian cities. Improper management of municipal solid waste (MSW) causes hazards to inhabitants. Various studies reveal that about 90% of MSW is disposed of unscientifically in open dumps and landfills, creating problems for public health and the environment. In the present study, an attempt has been made to provide a comprehensive review of the characteristics, generation, collection and transportation, disposal, and treatment technologies of MSW practiced in India. The study pertaining to MSWM for Indian cities has been carried out to evaluate the current status and identify the major problems. Various adapted treatment technologies for MSW are critically reviewed, along with their advantages and limitations.


35. Single to Multi-Clouds Security System in Cloud Computing

AUTHOR NAME : Sheeldharma Mohan Wahane, Prof. Naziya Pathan

ABSTRACT : The use of cloud computing has increased rapidly in many organizations. Cloud computing provides many benefits in terms of low cost and accessibility of data. Ensuring the security of cloud computing is a major factor in the cloud computing environment, as users often store sensitive information with cloud storage providers but these providers may be untrusted. Dealing with “single cloud” providers is predicted to become less popular with customers due to risks of service availability failure and the possibility of malicious insiders in the single cloud. A movement towards multi-clouds, or in other words, inter clouds or cloud-of-clouds has emerged recently. This paper surveys recent research related to single and multi-cloud security and addresses possible solutions. It is found that the research into the use of multi-cloud providers to maintain security has received less attention from the research community than has the use of single clouds. This work aims to promote the use of multi-clouds due to their ability to reduce security risks that affect the cloud computing user.


36. Study of Recent Developments in Solar Cookers

AUTHOR NAME : Ravina Adhao, Prof. P. B. Ingle

ABSTRACT : Food delivers energy to Human beings; hence it is necessary that the energy required for cooking the food is obtained from an Alternate source of energy, instead of using conventional energy sources such as wood, Cow-dung, Kerosene, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) and Electricity as well. Solar energy is utilized in the solar cooker which makes it eco-friendly and clean. There are various types of solar cookers available in the market, depending on the demand of customers, but still, the utilization is not sufficient. Some of the factors are bulky size, heavyweight, working place and required cooking time and the most important is the awareness about using a solar cooker. Hence to make the solar cooker easy to use and smaller in size with minimum cost is a major challenge. The use of photovoltaic and thermal hybrid solar cooker has boosted the cooking process with solar cookers. There is certainly scope for research in solar cookers. In this paper, various types of solar cookers and the latest trends in them are discussed in detail.


37. Design, Construction and Performance Evaluation of Solar Dryer

AUTHOR NAME : Amar Tolmare, Prof. P. B. Ingle

ABSTRACT : The utilization of solar energy in a particular location to determine the economy and performance of systems requires essentially the knowledge of the availability of solar radiation at that location. Detailed information on the availability of solar energy is needed for its efficient utilization. “Sun drying” is the earliest method of drying farm produce ever known to man and it involves simply laying the agricultural products in the sun on mats, roofs, or drying floors. This has several disadvantages since the farm produce is laid in the open sky and there is a greater risk of spoilage due to adverse climatic situation like wind, rain, moist and dust, loss of product to insects, birds and rodents; totally dependent on good weather and very slow drying rate with the danger of mold growth thereby causing deterioration and decomposition of the product. The process also requires a large area of land takes time and highly labor intensive. In solar drying, solar dryers are specialized devices that control the drying process and protect the agricultural product from damage by insects, dust, and rain. In addition, it takes up less space, takes less time, and relatively inexpensive compared to artificial mechanical drying. The solar dryer can be seen as one of the solutions to the world’s food and energy crises. With drying, most agricultural products can be preserved and this can be achieved more efficiently through the use of solar dryers. This project is to design, construct and evaluate the performance of a solar dryer based on the convex lens.


38. A Review on Post Crash Assistance

AUTHOR NAME : Prof. Pradip Balbudhe, Ms. Asha Naidu, Ms. Komal U. Chaudhari, Ms. Manisha A. Meshram, Ms. Neha S. Ninawe, Ms. Rohini Z. Mankar, Mr. Rajat R. Kutare

ABSTRACT : Car stealing is nowadays a common problem. Daily many cars got stolen. Many cars never get recovered and customers get suffered due to this. Many security systems work to keep cars safe from theft. But these options are useless once your car gets stolen. No one can detect or recover a customers car easily. Keep all this in consideration we are trying to build a project which can make your car after stolen. For this, we need to develop and install some system inside the car which will tell you the car location after stolen. Keep this in mind we are trying to start one project which can fulfill all our requirements related to car security. We are trying to build a project which will help to keep your car safe even after it gets stolen. We also are trying to make car-accessible using a remote system. After deep discussion and work, we complete our problem definition. That is we are developing GSM enabled system which will help the customer control their car remotely using just a mobile phone.


39. Critical Review and Analysis of Pressure Vessel Structures

AUTHOR NAME : Aniket R. Aware, Prof. V. G. Gore, Prof. P. B. Ingle

ABSTRACT : This paper provides an overview of the pressure vessel, starting with its background and a brief history. Then, the geometry, main components, classification, applications, materials, and fabrication process of the pressure vessel are also discussed. When designing or performing optimization on the vessel, it is crucial for the designers to familiar with the types of failures and loadings, to select appropriate analytical methods to analyze the vessel. As well as the design parameters such as thickness, design pressure or allowable stresses, which can alter the performance, efficiency and safety of the vessel. Since the design of the pressure vessel is governed by the codes and standards, some of the commonly used codes are presented, with more details included for the ASME pressure vessel code.


40. Study of Hybrid Wind Energy System for Power Generation

AUTHOR NAME : Pankaj K. Kale, Prof. C. M. Bobade

ABSTRACT : The rapid decrease in fossil fuel and natural gas is alarming us to think about alternative sources of energy. Renewable energy is a better solution to this problem. Different technologies have been developed day by day to mitigate the required output of the hybrid system. A large number of isolated communities, small islands, rural and village areas in developing countries are without low-cost access to the electric power grid, and the electricity locally produced by diesel generating groups has the economic penalty of the high cost of fuel, largely due to the added transportation costs. An Effective, economic and efficient alternative to these diesel generating groups is the development and use of natural resources as power sources. Moreover, the limited reserves of fossil fuels and global environmental concerns over their use for electric power generation have also increased the interest in the utilization of renewable energy resources.


41. Review on Crimping Machine & Its Tools

AUTHOR NAME : Mr. Ankit Khade, Mr. Hemant Wanjari, Mr. Hemant Shrivas, Prof. Shubham Khorgade

ABSTRACT : A crimping machine is used in wire harnessing operation for creating a joint between the wire and crimping pin with pressing of conductor crimp and insulation crimp. The holding of the wire is done manually without any guidance to the worker. So, the accuracy of the crimping machine is mainly depending upon the skill of the worker to hold the wire at an accurate position. So, for accurate joint, worker plays an important role. Guiding workers is important so that accuracy will not depend upon worker efficiency and skill. So, to achieve the right position to launch the pressing die to go for the pressing sensor should be at the right position. For sensing the accurate position, the sensor model constitutes Arduino, which helps to crimp of wire.


42. A Survey on Crack Detection Technique in Railway Track

AUTHOR NAME : A Survey on Crack Detection Technique in Railway Track Ms. Saima Anjum I. A. Khan, Prof. Rahul C. Meshram

ABSTRACT : As you know railway transportation is mostly used since it is an economical and fast method for public transportation. Some minor failures such as track failures, obstacles, and improper maintenances cause accidents. To make it safe rail inspections can be done properly. An efficient crack detection system is needed for better security and inspections. Human inspections are done periodically. But it needs skilled persons to walk through the track for inspection. It takes a lot of time. To overcome these situations, a visual inspection system (VIS) is proposed. We propose a visual-based crack detection system that provides accurate results than other existing systems. It makes things smooth and fast. This system uses images captured by a digital scan line camera. VIS provides better performance and quality based on the capturing device. The digital data is preprocessed and then it cut the track images into sub-images using some track extraction algorithm. The image contrast can be enhanced using the Otsu method for analysis and then crack is identified if any in the track. This system automatically detects crack and generate an appropriate warning to the nearest station to avoid the risk of accidents. This system doesn’t disturb the running of the train while the system is working.


43. Study of PV Array Systems Fault Detection and Classification Methods

AUTHOR NAME : Mr. Tushar G. Nakod, Prof. Nitin N. Mandaogade

ABSTRACT : In recent years the detection, as well as the identification of various faults in the Photovoltaic (PV) system applications, has been attracting several researchers across the world. Photovoltaic (PV) power generation systems are very good in working with several climatic outdoor conditions; Hence the present faults can see to occur within the PV arrays in PV systems. Online fault detection for the PV arrays is important to improve the system’s reliability, safety, and efficiency. There are some researches shows the working of the potential faults in order to monitor the faults as well as to make identifications through fault diagnosis that have been elaborated in order to develop and to modify the present problems solving method so to detect early faults in Photovoltaic (PV) system present in the system operators. In this paper, the author tries to put information precisely taken forward from previous research. The author also explains the latest trends applied in the PV system fault diagnosis as well as protection system. In this paper, a new approach towards literature has been introduced associated with the fault studies present in the PV systems. In this survey, the paper author has explained further discussions over how specific solutions can be provided to make a comprehensive solution to the fault problems of the PV system. This paper presents the classification and detection of faults in a distributed generation, particularly Photovoltaic (PV) Grid-Connected system. The initial step in fault detection of a PV system is recognition, investigation, and classification of all possible faults that maybe occur in the system.
