
e-ISSN: 2455-6491 | Published by Global Advanced Research Publication House (GARPH)

Archives of International Journal of Advanced Innovative Technology in Engineering(IJAITE)

Volume 1 Issue 4 July 2016

1. Optimal Placement of Facts Using Sensitivity Indices Analysis Method


ABSTRACT : The expansion of power generation and transmission has been severely limited due to limited resources and environmental restriction because in recent years, power demand has increased substantially. Power system stability has been recognized as an important problem for its secure operation. Several methods are being used conventionally to improve operating margins necessary for system stability. Many of these suffer with excessive response time and considerable amount of power loss. To overcome this difficulty, a rapid development of power electronic devices such as Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) devices are used, their primary application is to enhance power transfer capabilities, power system stability and allow more flexible control of power flows. By installing FACTS equipment at optimal sites, the overall system benefits are sought. But the location of these FACTS devices has been big challenge. This challenge is overcome by using Sensitivity Indices analysis method. The ‘MATLAB’ software is used here to write a programming code for finding out the sensitivity indices. IEEE-5 bus system is used here for the study purpose


2. Robonoid Devices For Safety Purposes


ABSTRACT : Robonoid is a lightweight, back-packable, multi-terrain robot capable of detecting a variety of devices without making any harm to the operator. It helps bomb disposal experts to find and deactivate improvised explosive devices (IEDs). It is a remote controlled robot. It is equipped with wireless camera to send video signals to monitor the robot and the surroundings. It has a light source, so that it can work at night and a robot car which gives the platform for mounting gun, arm, light sources and camera. The robot also has a full functional arm and is capable of movement of 5 degree with the scope of 360 degree around. This makes it very flexible. It also has the ability to place small charges to disrupt suspect devices, and further enhancements, including the incorporation of wire-cutters, have been implemented. Robonoid has the ability to send video footage back to the operator at a safe distance thereby enabling troops to assess a situation prior to moving forward or entering a structure, potentially safeguarding lives. The RCV can be used to assist with the disposal of roadside bombs whilst allowing troops to remain at a safe distance.


3. Effects Of Staircase On Seismic Performance Of Rc Multi-Storied Frame Buildings For Zone Iii & Zone Iv


ABSTRACT : This paper deals with the effects of staircase during the seismic performance of Multistoried RC Frame Building in zone III & zone IV at various location with or without staircase in plans have been studied. During earthquake as we construct the structure with staircase monolithically, staircase also contributes its performance of the building, due to this structural discontinuity, performance of buildings may result in non-linear behavior. Because of this non-linear behavior, modification in various seismic parameters such as a reduction in the time period, displacement, time period and story drift of the building is essential. Due to the rigidity of inclined slab and of short columns around staircase, beams and columns are often characterized by a high seismic demand. It can be concluded that the effect of a staircase in the analysis and design of RC frame buildings cannot be ignored. In the present study, the effect of staircase position on RC frame structures has been carried out by adopting various location of building models with and without staircase along with or without shear wall in longitudinal and transverse direction. Shear wall is used for lift duct in RC multistoried model. The Linear Response Spectrum analysis of the models has been carried out as per IS: 1893 (Part 1) - 2002 and IS: 456 – 2000 with the help of Etab 15.1 software. The Seismic characteristics in terms of Story Drift, Story Displacement and Time period, have been compared with the seismic characteristics of models with and without a staircase along with or without shear wall. Further, the effect of change in location of the staircase on the behavior of the building has also been observed. The identification of the weakest elements of the structure, the failure type considering the presence of the stairs, and their contribution in the nonlinear performance of RC frame buildings are some of the areas on which the present paper has presented. In addition to these, short column effect, variation in moments of beams and columns that are attached to staircase slab, failure and deformation in staircase models have also been studied.


4. Automatic Toll Collection System By Gsm Based


ABSTRACT : In this paper design a module for the automation in toll tax payment using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems and Load cell technology. Design of system, which automatically identifies an approaching vehicle to the toll plaza and record vehicles number and time to the system. It authenticates the owner of vehicle .If the vehicle belongs to the authorized person, it automatically opens the toll gate and a predetermined amount is automatically deducted from its account. This translates to reduced Traffic congestion at toll plazas and helps in lower fuel consumption and save approximately Rs 300 cares/year.


5. Modelling And Simulation Of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive System With Proportional Integral Controller


ABSTRACT : This paper presents analytical results, numerical simulations, and experiments that improving the control design for permanent magnet synchronous motor . Field oriented control is used for the operation of the drive. The simulation includes all realistic components of the system. This enables the calculation of currents and voltages in different parts of the inverter and motor under transient and steady conditions. The losses in different parts are calculated, facilitating the design of the inverter. A closed loop control system with a Proportional Integral (PI) controller in the speed loop has been designed to operate in constant torque and flux weakening regions. Implementation has been done in Simulink. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) control schemes associated with current controllers has been made in terms of harmonic spectrum and total harmonic distortion. Experimental tests have been presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed commissioning methodology.


6. Power Quality Enhancement By An Application Of Dvr


ABSTRACT : The power quality is simply the interaction of electrical power with electrical equipment. The power quality problem includes voltage sag, voltage swell. One of the well known solutions to mitigate the power quality problem is to inject the voltage as well as power into the system with the help of DVR. The DVR is a power electronics based device that is commonly for voltage sag and voltage swell mitigation at the point of connection. A control technique based on a proportional integral (PI) controller is implemented. In fact with the aid of Pulse width modulation (PWM) inverters capable of generating accurate high quality voltage waveforms from the power electronic device. Simulation result shows the effectiveness of proposed method by MATLAB/Simulink.


7. Human Face Expression Recognition Using Facial Features Detection Algorithm


ABSTRACT : Human Face Detection & Expression Recognition is one of the challenging tasks, because of the variations in the illumination, pose and occlusion. Human skin color is an effective feature used to detect, whereas human eyes, nose, eyebrow, chick, forehead are detect faces using facial features detection algorithm as well as recognizing the expression using fuzzy rules . However different person have different skin color and face features. This paper introduced a face detection and expression recognition system to detect faces in images from galleries of known people and recognize the expression from the human face. There are seven basic facial expressions namely fear, surprise, happy, sad, disgust, normal and anger one additional expression is added i.e. “Trace”. To detect the face before trying to recognize the expression saves a lot of facial expression features. This system is fuzzy based expression recognition producing exact facial expression. The first step is to classify each pixel in the given image as a skin pixel or a non-skin pixel. The second step is to identify different facial expression features in detected image. The last step is to decide whether each of the expression identify in the face or not. Finally recognition is done by using fuzzy logic.


8. Automated Bug Classification And Traige System Using Hybrid Algorithm Based On Data Mining


ABSTRACT : Flaw is only a blunder or bug which produces unforeseen and mistaken result. In Companies all product tasks are influenced by programming Flaws (bug).Every day new bugs are created and engineer needs to alter that bug or imperfection. Programming Company spends heaps of cash to alter them. Settling bug is hard so we will diminish this by utilizing some technique. Every time when bug is created we have to arrange that bug and for that reason we require classifier. Classifier is the procedure by which we can arrange the bug with the goal that we decide at which class that bug is have a place. In this paper we are utilizing two procedures NB (naive bayes) and KNN (k-nearest neighbour) for arrangement. NB depends on recurrence and KNN depends on word check. After the arrangement the bug is grouped and administrator can allocate them to the designer to alter. In this paper we likewise present element choice and example choice for diminishing database. Bug storehouse is the database which is utilized to store bug points of interest. In this paper mix of NB and KNN classifier is utilized which is more effective and take less time to arrange the bug so that administrator can allocate a legitimate bug of specific class to the ideal designer AND the bug will settle effortlessly. In the past paper manual triaging framework is utilized which is not effective and taking an excessive amount of time. In this paper we enhancing imperfection triage furthermore decreasing the database by utilizing these two systems.


9. Implementation of Haim Based On Current Viewpoint of User


ABSTRACT : Image Mosaicing is a method of constructing multiple images of the same scene into a larger image. The output of the image mosaic will be the union of two input images. Image-mosaicing algorithms are used to get mosaic image. Image Mosaicing processed is basically divided in to 5 phases. Which includes; Feature point extraction, Image registration, Homography computation, Warping and Blending if Image. Various corner detection algorithms are being used for Feature extraction. This corner produces an efficient and informative output mosaic image. Image mosaicing is widely used in creating 3D images, medical imaging, computer vision, data from satellites, and military automatic target recognition. In this paper we are implementing the image mosaic it is based on the RANSAC and Harris corner algorithm. These algorithm woks in five stages. First select points for mosaicing. In second and third stage previous work points are selected automatically, in forth stage resolution of mosaic image is increase due to RANSAC and liner Pass Filter and finally get resultant image.
